Whitefish Review Hosts Ceramic Artist Stephen Braun on May 3 for Book Release Event
WHITEFISH, MONT. (April 15, 2024) – Whitefish Review will host ceramic artist Stephen Braun for a slideshow and conversation about his newly released large-format art book, Hindsight & Foresight is 20/20, on Friday, May 3, 2024 at 101 Central in downtown Whitefish.
“We’re honored to have published this groundbreaking book by a true artist of our time,” said Whitefish Review founding editor Brian Schott. “Stephen’s art provides a deep commentary on the times we are living in as a society and can be a guidepost for the future as we wrestle with environmental, social, and political issues.”
“We lost our power when we stopped being citizens and became consumers,” says Braun. “This change has empowered corporation rights over human rights.”
Stephen Braun has been making environmental, social and politically-themed ceramic sculptures for over 40 years. While studying at the University of Montana in the late 1970s he became smitten with ceramics. UM was a ceramics powerhouse with Rudy Autio and Ken Little teaching. Museums and galleries throughout the US and world have displayed his work and hosted his lectures and workshops.
In addition to commentary by the artist, the 142-page book contains essays by Michael Jamison, Lucy R. Lippard, Peter Koch, and Cory Walsh. Chris Autio was the lead photographer on the project and Ian S. Griffiths served as art director for the book. Leading up to the event, selections of Braun’s work will be displayed at Underscore Art Gallery in downtown Whitefish, owned by Monica Pastor, a lead art editor on the publication.
Doors open at 6 pm with live music from 6:30-7:30 pm by Blue Avenue, a 3-piece jazz combo featuring Jordan Reese on keys, Zach Ronish on the drum kit, and Matt Carper on bass.
The main event kicks off at 7:30 p.m. with a slide show of Braun’s art and commentary from the artist. Braun will also have a conversation with Montana Quarterly editor and author Scott McMillion, writer and conservationist Michael Jamison, and Underscore Art gallery owner Monica Pastor, followed by audience questions. Personally signed copies of the new book will be available for purchase.
The evening is sponsored by The Whitefish Community Foundation and 101 Central.
For more information and to purchase copies of the book online, visit www.whitefishreview.org.